Badanie ankietowe

Weźmy udział w ważnym badaniu ankietowym przesłanym nam na prośbę przedstawicielki jednej z organizacji członkowskich stowarzyszenia EULITA. Ankieta opracowana została przez Jasnę Rodeš z Zgrzebia a nasze odpowiedzi zostaną uwzględnione w badaniach naukowych prowadzonych nad aspektami bezpieczeństwa i ryzykiem na jakie narażeni są tłumacze przysięgli. 

„Dear Colleagues,
My name is Jasna Rodeš, and I have been a court interpreter and a member of the Association of Court interpreters and Translators Zagreb, Croatia for many years.
I am currently conducting a scientific research on a very important issue for court interpreters/legal translators, on which almost no concrete statistics have been available so far. Namely, I would like to collect information regarding the safety aspects of our profession and the risks to which we are exposed when providing court interpretation and legal translation services, because our work is often connected with quite specific and potentially dangerous settings (translating/interpreting for the police, at courts, for the state attorney’s office, in prisons etc.).

The information from your everyday interpretation/translation experience in such situations would be very valuable and your inputs would be really appreciated.
You may access the questionnaire at:

The questionnaire is anonymous. Please take fifteen minutes and complete it by 16 March 2015.
Thank you in advance, yours faithfully

Jasna Rodeš
Court Interpreter
Research field Sociology of violence”

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